Friday, March 20, 2020

The Legue The UN the Future essays

The Legue The UN the Future essays During the First World War several world leaders such as President of the United States(U.S.) Woodrow Wilson and South African Prime Minster Jan Smuts, advocated the need for an international organization that preserved peace and settled disputes by arbitration. When peace negotiations began in October 1918,United States president Woodrow Wilson insisted that his Fourteen Points serve as a basis for the signing of the Armistice . The Armistice included the formation of the League of Nations (here after refereed to as the League). And as the years went by the League grew to be a formidable organization. It's goals and objectives were precise, they were to attain and maintain world peace. By 1935 the League had declined severely. And In 1945 the League ended and the United Nations (referred to as the UN) took its place. There were a lot of similarities between the two organizations, however the differences were apparent as well. Scholars have tried to ascertain why the League failed to achieve its goals. What were declining factors? Moreover, is the UN a direct result of those factors with a few modifications to satisfy the demands of the world today. The object of this paper to analyze Whether the UN is a direct extension of the League and if so why or why not and under what circumstance? By 1919 the idea of international co-operation was not new. There had been a few earlier attempts, for example: The International Red Cross in Geneva 1964; International Telegraph Union in 1865; The International; Meteorological Organization in 1878 and the International Court, The Hague in 1899. However, these were all unsuccessful attempts. So, by April 1919 the constitution of the League was adopted in the Paris Peace Conference . The Aims of the organization were to a) to keep peace and b) to improve living conditions of men and women worldwide. The Leagues Council consisted of the great powers (Britain, France, Italy and Japa...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Quote The Raven The Golden Office Rules

Quote The Raven The Golden Office Rules Here it is– another episode  of  #QuoteTheRaven,’s  expert job-seeking job-keeping web series!  In this episode, host and job-keeping extraordinaire Raven Chiara welcomes special guest, Gary Bandit. Brace yourself for tried true  advice that’s  going to keep you at your job out of HR.  Watch the video check out the tips below! Tips in this episode include:How to talk about your weekend: Went to Burning Man last week? Maybe don’t highlight the spiritual-drug-filled-mind-beinding-life-altering-rave-naked-bug-filled extravaganza to your Don Draper-esque CEO. Instead, focus on the nature and fresh air†¦and put it in a British accent. Or how about a game of squash? That already sounds responsible†¦here comes that promotion, Junior!Compliments and jokes with your coworkers: Bad jokes suck. What’s worse? Offensive bad jokes. Avoid making a crack about someone’s race, religion, creed, and orientation. Besides, Creed fans are bizarrely defensive.Discussing a woman’s looks: Stay away here, especially all the guys out there. Nobody wants to mistake something you say for SEXUAL HARASSMENT. Raven and Gary suggest the only safe thing to say, if you really want to, is â€Å"nice nails†.Speaking of nails, stop clipping your nails at your desk†¦or at work. #grossFood habits in the office: Your food is good. I am sure you think so. The rest of us think it smells foul. Just stop. You know it stinks. You are self-conscious about it. Don’t blow up the microwave with last night’s fish and chips leftovers. Please. Stop. Now.Use the hashtag #quotetheraven and tag @thejobnetwork, @ravenchiara, or @whybegee to let us know what you think of the show, your nightmare stories from the office, and any questions you have about job seeking and job keeping.- - Missed the previous episodes? See The ABCs of Job Searching here.